Friday, February 12, 2010

We had some fierce winds a few nights ago and it has been so cold. This reminds me of why I like living in the south!!!!!

I really like the 25 minute drive that we have from the school that my daughter goes to, to our home in the country. It is our best time to bond, as I drive and we both are looking straight ahead. (When she drives, I'm afraid I don't bond as positively!) I love hearing about her day, the ups and downs of teenage life.

As we near our area, we notice a tree has been knocked down by the wind and crashed over a mobile home...breaking the tree in two. A woman is out at the road and frantically flags us down. Our minds race as we stop to help her.

She runs up to the car and looking at us both....she asks, "can I bum a cigarette?"


At first I was shocked until I remembered times in my past when I searched high and low through all my cabinets for a stray piece of candy from last Halloween!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Special Day

Our special day...nine wonderful years of marriage to my hero-husband. I was thinking back to our wedding day. It was a perfect small wedding with our closest family and a few friends. A warm February day for Raleigh, NC very much unlike the howling winds and bitter temperature of today. And my goodness, we were spending so much on our anniversary this year....

My reverie was suddenly broken.
"Are you doing alright?" asked the dentist as he peered into my mouth and packed something into my teeth. "What a way to spend your anniversary... both you and your husband coming in for root canals today! And will you be going out for lunch afterwards?""